2015-16 Spring

Fundamental Techniques in Stage Movement

(HART 1027)

1 Credit | Can be used to fulfill Common Core Requirement (Core Elective: Arts Area)
Teaching Medium: English

Course Description

This course introduces students to the theories and physical practices of stage movement and the development of non-verbal communication skills. Through a multitude of exercises, students will learn to explore movement and their own body in a group context, and realize how movement is generated from emotion and reflects emotion. Students will also learn how to relate movement with space, use their imagination to explore movement, and the techniques to utilize the body for effective communication. The course also focuses on continuous training on flexibility, coordination and physical strength, so that the body is physically and mentally fit which help sustain performances.

  1. Demonstrate awareness and control of body movements for communication; and various techniques of physical movements for theatre performance.
  2. Understand how body movements work with imagination, space and time for theatre performances.
  3. Understand basic theories of the pioneer dramatists in physical and movement theatre
  4. Apply the techniques and theories to create and perform a short piece of physical theatre with movements in a small group.

STAGE ONE: Introduction of techniques and theories

Week 1: Awareness of Body, Space, Energy and Time

Week 2: The Sensitivity and Expressiveness of the Body

Week 3: Movement Score and Vsevolod Meyerhold’s Theories

Week 4: Qualities of Movement and Rudolf Laban’s Theories

Week 5: Psychological Gestures and Michael Chekov’s Theories

Week 6: Essence of nature and Jacque Lecoq’s Theories

Week 7: Authentic movements and Jerzy Grotowski’s Theories


STAGE TWO: Application of techniques and theories

Week 8: Establishing movement ensemble

Week 9: Creating movement vocabulary

Week 10: Structuring the movement sequence

Week 11-13: Final Rehearsal, Presentation and Evaluation

  1. Chapter 1&2, Meyerhold on Theatre (revised edition), Braun, Edward, 1998, London: Methuenn Drama
  2. Chapter 6 to 9, Avant Garde Theatre, Innes, Christopher, 1994, London: Routledge
  3. Chapter 1 to 6, The Actor and His Body, Pisk, Litz, 1979, London: Harrap Limited
  4. Body, Space, Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban’s Movement and Dance Concepts, Maletic, Vera, 1987, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
  5. The Moving Body: Teaching Creative Theatre, Lecoq, Jacques., 2009, London: Methuen Drama

  1. The Actor and His Body, Pisk, Litz, 1979, London: Harrap Limited
  2. Meyerhold on Theatre (revised edition), Braun, Edward, 1998, London: Methuenn Drama
  3. Avant Garde Theatre, Innes, Christopher, 1994, London: Routledge
  4. To the Actor on the Technique of Acting, Chekhov, Michael, 1991, New York: Harper Perennial
  5. 關灜:《演員創作素質訓練》。北京:中國戲劇出版社,2005
  6. 王淑琰,林通 :《影視演員表演技巧入門》。北京:中國廣播電視出版社,1998

Enrolment Details

Course Registration : 06-06 Oct 2024
Add/Drop : 06-06 Oct 2024


Krissy Yin LAM


Class Participation & Attendance 15%
Weekly Class-based Exercises 20%
Critical Commentary 30%
Short Movement Performance 35%

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