A freelance performer and drama educator. Currently a lecturer of the Master Program on Applied Theatre and Drama Education offered by Griffith University and Hong Kong Art School. Earned an MA in Drama Education from the Griffith University, was then awarded the British Council’s Chevening Postgraduate Scholarship to study at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in The University of London, where she earned the MA in Advanced Theatre Practice, majored in Performing. Prior to the professional theatre training, Krissy graduated with an M.Phil. degree from the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong. During her study in London, Krissy devised and performed in 10 pieces of original theatre works, and took some of her creative works to tour in international art festivals in Belgium, Poland and London. Recent theatre performances include O! You heavenly creature! (Hobitgoon Production in New Vision Art Festival) The Interviews in Sync (Amusical.org); The Maids x 2 (Alice Theatre Laboratory x Theatre Fanatico); Heading West 2: The Curious Case of SanZang (Theatre Fanatico Production in Silk Road Art Festival); Antigone (Theatre du Pif); Square for Five (Hobitgoon Solo Series 1), Exposed / Still Burning (Theatre Fanatico Production). Directed theatre pieces include A Hundred Years of Home Letters (University of Hong Kong Centennial Multi-Media Theatre Production) Fantasies of Death and The Equal Body (Griffith University Devised Theatre Module).
自由身表演者及戲劇教育工作者, 現為澳洲格理菲斯大學應用劇場與戲劇教育碩士課程之講師。 林氏曾於香港大學醫學院修獲哲學碩士,並於香港藝術學院修獲澳洲格理菲斯大學戲劇教育碩士,後獲英國文化協會頒發「志奮領」獎學金,於英國倫敦大學之Royal Central School of Speech and Drama修獲戲劇碩士,主修表演。留英期間在院校內外完成十個原創作品,參與編作、表演及製作,並把部份作品帶到倫敦、波蘭和比利時各地之藝術節演出。
林氏多年來在演出和創作風格上不斷作出嘗試,最近參與演出之劇場作品包括:新視野藝術節何必館作品《大鬧天宮》、Amusical.org 多媒體劇場作品《五_晤//悟_吾》、瘋祭舞台及愛麗絲劇場實驗室聯合創作《女侍/侍女》、 絲綢之路藝術節瘋祭舞台作品系列十三《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏》、進劇場作品《安蒂崗妮》、何必館獨腳系列一之《一枱壞女人》、瘋祭舞台作品系列十一《曝/光》、香港電台實況電視劇《一念之間》第三集《回頭不再》、明愛家庭教育微電影《撒尿》、翁智武電影作品《殤逝》;最近執導的原創作品包括:香港大學一百周年原創多媒體舞台劇《百年家書》、澳洲格理菲斯大學戲劇教育碩士編作劇場作品 《同胴》及《空|析|間》。