2014-15 Spring
(HART 1030)
1 Credit | Can be used to fulfill Common Core Requirement (Core Elective: Arts Area)
Teaching Medium: English
Course Description
Traditional Chinese painters learned to paint mainly through apprenticeship and copying masters’ works, and regarded painting as a medium of self-expression. The unique painting style of each artist often reflects his/her artistic lineage and knowledge, as well as personal temperament, value and taste. This course gives a brief introduction to the development of Chinese Painting in the past century. While inheriting the traditional model of Chinese Painting, new presentation styles and contents reflecting ordinary lives and society in that period were also explored and created in numerous paintings in response to the dramatic social and political change since the turn of the 20th century.
This course focuses on introducing students to the painting styles of a few Chinese painters of the past century, teaching them to appreciate the artists’ artistic perceptions and social roles embodied in their works. Through copying and imitating their styles, students will have hands-on practice of the painting principles and skills of Chinese Painting.
- 掌握中國繪畫的基本知識及技法。
- 對中國藝術的歷史發展及畫學理論有初步的認識及體會。
- 了解及反思傳統中國藝術的承傳發展,及保存其藝術之獨特性。
Week 1: 基本筆墨示範
Week2-3: 傳承 – 師徒式傳授與家學淵源; 實習:小寫意及兼工帶寫
Week 4-8: 中國藝術學院體系的建立; 實習:寫生訓練
Week 9: 民族性特質國畫; 實習:傳統基礎筆墨技法,加入當代題材及元素
Week 10-11: 教藝兩全 – 南來畫家; 實習:傳統基礎筆墨技法,加入當代題材及元素
Week 12-13: 民間大家 – 以生活為題,對畫理畫法反覆鑽研; 實習:觀察、寫生和轉化
- 朱穎人:《名家講學筆記─潘天壽,吳茀之,諸樂三》。廣西:廣西美術出版社,2004
- 唐雲藝術館編:《唐雲全集》。上海:上海書畫出版社, 2010
- 齊白石:《白石老人自述》。山東畫報出版社,2000
- 《張大壯》。上海:上海書畫出版社,2000
- 《花鳥山水部分,張大壯繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1996
- 鄭重:《大石齋唐雲》。上海:上海古籍出版社,2004
- 《花鳥山水部分,唐雲繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1991
- 《花鳥部分,陸抑非繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1994
- 馬其寬:《陸抑非臨摹寫生稿》。杭州:西泠印社出版社,2007
- 王伯敏:《陸抑非精品畫集》。杭州:西泠印社出版社,2008
- 《中國美術學院中國畫系名家教學示範作品精選,陸抑非,牡丹》。河北美術出版社,2000
- 《中國美術學院中國畫系名家教學示範作品精選,陸抑非,蔬果》。河北美術出版社,2000
- 《中國美術學院中國畫系名家教學示範作品精選,陸抑非,菊花》。河北美術出版社,2000
- 《寫意花鳥部分,諸樂三繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1994
- 劉江:《諸樂三花鳥冊頁選》。杭州:西泠印社出版社,2007
- 《寫意花鳥部分,潘天壽繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1994
- 潘公凱:《潘天壽談藝錄》。杭洲:浙江人民美術出版社,1985
- 香港藝術館編:《墨韻國風,潘天壽藝術回顧展》。香港:康樂及文化事務署,2011
- 《潘天壽作品精選》。天津:天津楊柳青畫社,2003
- 《潘天壽冊頁選》。杭洲:浙江人民美術出版社:浙江省新華書店,1984
- 《花鳥部分,吳茀之繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1994
- 《花卉草蟲部分,齊白石繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1985
- 姚震西,白樺:《北京畫院秘藏齊白石精品集,水族卷》。廣西:廣西美術出版社,2001
- 姚震西,白樺:《北京畫院秘藏齊白石精品集,工蟲卷》。廣西:廣西美術出版社,2001
- 齊白石:《白石老人自述》。山東畫報出版社,2000
- 許禮平編:《齊白石特集》。香港:翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1991
- 《花鳥草蟲部分,劉繼卣繪》。北京:榮寶齋,1988
- 王世濤,管偉邦:《周士心的藝術》。香港:抱趣堂當代藝術館,2007
- 香港藝術館編:《丹青士心:周士心的藝術》。香港:康樂及文化事務署,2011
Enrolment Details
Course Registration : 06-06 Oct 2024Add/Drop : 06-06 Oct 2024
PAU Mo Ching 鮑慕貞
Attendance | 10% |
Course Participation | 15% |
Drawing Assignments | 75% |