鮑慕貞曾於 1995 至 1997 年間到杭州中國美術學院進修。對中國獨有的筆墨產生興趣,是始於對中國繪畫的接觸。回港後,鮑氏在香港中文大學修讀藝術學士及碩士課程。於修讀碩士課程期間,特以中國篆刻藝術作為研習題材。畢業後,她除了在不同大專院校、進修部,以及中小學等教授中國繪畫、書法,和篆刻,亦替非營利藝術團體策劃藝術活動。
PAU was born in Hong Kong. She has been attracted by the unique Chinese brushwork while she was an amateur painter and went to Hangzhou learning Chinese painting in the China National Academy of Fine Arts. After returning to Hong Kong, Pau studied in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, completed the BA (2001) and the Master course in Fine Art (2005). In these recent years, she is teaching Chinese seal carving and Chinese painting in different academies also the art programs hold by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Pau is continuing her art making mainly in Chinese painting and seal carving too.