2013-14 Fall

Introduction to Creative Cantonese Playwriting

(HART 1024)

1 Credit | Can be used to fulfill Common Core Requirement (Core Elective: Arts Area)
Teaching Medium: Cantonese

Course Description

This course is to introduce the basic elements of playwriting. Students will be encouraged to express their concerns and feelings through drama. They will also learn to appreciate a play and have a preliminary understanding of Hong Kong theatre. Representative plays in the world drama repertoire, with emphasis on Hong Kong theatre, will be selected for illustration in class. Each student is expected to write a short play at the end of the course. They will be guided through practical exercises to find and develop the materials for writing the play. [Ca][C]

  1. Comprehend the basic elements of a play
  2. Express their views and feelings in playwriting
  3. Enhance communication and collaboration skills
  4. Acquire an overview of Hong Kong playwriting

Week 1: Introduction to dramatic writing – conventions & uniqueness

Week 2-4: The uniqueness of playwriting – blue print for a performance

Week 5-6: Finding the playwriting materials from your life

Week 7-8: Building up the materials

Week 9-10: Developing the materials – conflicts and characters

Week 11-12: Learning from the masters

Week 13: Students’ sharing on their play scripts and discussion

  1. The Blunt Playwright: an Introduction to Playwriting, Clem Martini, Toronto, Canada: Playwrights Canada Press, 2006
  2. 《伊狄帕斯王》,翻譯:黎翠珍,香港:香港浸會大學翻譯學研究中心:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會),2005
  3. 《我和春天有個約會》,杜國威,香港:次文化堂,1995

  1. Playwriting: a practical guide, Noel Greig, London; New York: Routledge, 2005
  2. The Playwright’s Guidebook, Stuart Spencer, New York: Faber and Faber, Inc., 2002
  3. How Play Works, David Edgar, London: Nick Hern, 2009
  4. 《編劇知識與編劇技巧》,孫少文,昆明:雲南大學出版社,1994
  5. 《玩偶家族》(易卜生戲劇全集二),翻譯:呂健忠,台北縣新店市:左岸文化,2004
  6. 《野豬》,莊梅岩,香港:香港藝術節協會有限公司,2012
  7. 杜國威,《南海十三郎》,香港次文化堂,1995
  8. 潘惠森,《雞春咁大隻曱甴兩頭岳》,1996
  9. 佛琳編 (2003),《八色風采:香港劇本十年集:九十年代》,香港:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會),2003

Enrolment Details

Course Registration : 05-05 Oct 2024
Add/Drop : 05-05 Oct 2024


WU Hoi Fai


Attendance & Course Participation 20%
A written review of a Hong Kong theatre performance 30%
A short written play 50%